Top 10 Directors

Filmography matters; but the more important considerations that we made to come up with this list were: Is the director at top of his or her game ? Is his/her next movie waited by critics and audiences alike? And does he/she have the ability to experiment and improve the horizons of cinema? Therefore, you will observe, a Steven Spielberg or even Woody Allen, who have the best filmography among all in the list, figure lower in comparison to someone like Scorsese or David Fincher who are still at the top of his game and are not shy to take the risks. Overall, the shortest way possible to summarize the method we utilized to rank down the list is asking this question to ourselves, “Who are the top directors in Hollywood?”

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Top 10 of the Biggest, Most Challenging Lego Sets

Who doesn’t love lego? Don’t you dare say you! Because there is a kid in everyone of use that loved lego at one point!  If not  you deserve to be the  villain of movie!  Putting those bricks together get to be really time consuming!  Here is a list i think we can all agree  with that these are some pretty hard sets!  I know  i have a couple of them!  See if you would agree with this list!

Motorized Walking AT-AT (10178)
The Motorized Walking AT-AT utilizes the Lego Power Functions System to walk forward, and features an opening cockpit and rotating laser cannons. The AT-AT measures 12″ (30cm) tall and over 14″ (36cm) long after constructed from the 1,137 Lego pieces. Mini-figures include the AT-AT Pilot, General Veers, Snowtrooper and Luke Skywalker with grappling line and lightsaber. The set was available from 2007 through 2010, but can still be found sealed for under $500. The Motorized Walking AT-AT requires six AA (1.5V) batteries and is suggested for builders at least 14 years old.

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Top 10 Shoot’em up films

We have another kick-ass list for you this time around! What is it about guns that we love so much? Who knows, but they’re cool as hell! Here’s a list of films that celebrate our love for guns, action and violence. These films make gunplay into an art form, which has now been given the name “gun-fu”. Are any of these your favorites? Let’s take a look at our lists, and see if any match up with yours. And there will be blood…. Continue reading

Top 10 Star Wars Home Console Games

This week we have a great list for you! We have the one and only Star Wars franchise!  This franchise has given us some of the greatest video games! This week we talk about the Top 10 Star Wars video games for home consoles! (We already did Top 10 lists for arcade games in the 1980s and 1990s, and SW was weel represented on both lists.)The Star Wars franchise has spawned over one hundred computer, video, and board games, dating back to some of the earliest home consoles. Some are based directly on movie material, while others rely heavily on the Star Wars expanded universe.  So back, relax and let’s play some of these great games! Continue reading

Top 10 female leads in action films

Who doesn’t love a great action film?* There are so many movies these days to choose from. There are also some great action movies with female heroes. So this list is the top 10 action films with a female lead role!  We put together this is list of  women who kick ass, take names, and perhaps even chew bubblegum at the same time! So sit back, relax  and say, “Ow, ya that was great film!” See if you agreed with us on the list or if you disagree with anything let us know in the comments after the article! We hope you like the list as much as we liked putting it together for you! Continue reading

Top 10 90’s Coin Op Arcade Games

90_coin_opThe 1980s were a simplier times for video games: there weren’t fancy graphics, intricate story-lines, or those mind-numbing videos that you weren’t allowed to skip. The local arcade was the ultimate destination for birthday parties, Bar Mitzvahs, Bat Mitzvahs, or lazy saturday afternoons. They were loud, exciting, smelly, and packed with the finest assortment of games (and cold pretzels) managed by the nerdiest of gentlemen. Each and every arcade game—whether it was Nintendo or Sega—was similar in its simplicity, but a total blast.

The 1990s were an awesome times for video and arcade games. The graphics improved dramatically – both in 2D and the emerging 3D. The maze and platform genres were supplanted by the fighting, racing, and FPS genres. The 90s was also the golden age for pinball games – but that is another discussion for another time.

By the end of the decade, the home video games surpassed their arcade counterparts, and arcades were going the way of video rental stores. Pinball machines and arcade cabinets made way for crane games, whack-a-moles, basketball cages, and skee ball alleys.

So in honor of the high water mark of arcade games, here is The Podcast Unlimited Top Ten 90’s Coin Op Arcade Games! Continue reading

Top 10 Disaster films!


We have a rumbling rambling of a list for your this time around! A list that is sure to break you up; sure to smash the moon; or just shake the ground beneath your feet!  We have the top 10 disaster films of all time! Sit back, read and reminisce about some of the great movies of our lifetime that were not so kind to the planet! After reading our lists, see if any of these films crashed your list, and where you would of made our lists better. Continue reading

Top 10 Billy Joel Songs!

billyjoel_top10We have another stunning top 10 list for you this time around – The Top 10 Billy Joel songs! Now I know some of you might say, “how can you limit it to just 10”, or, “How do you arrive at that at being at a certain number?” Well, first we have a list of honorable mentions, which you can find on our sister site. And second, we do our best to find out what we like, and then place them into that number. That doesn’t mean you can’t tell us  your list, and how its differs from our list! The man is a pure genius when it comes to music, so “you may be wrong, but you may be right.” And “life goes on no matter who is wrong or right.” With that said, here is our Top 10 Billy Joel List!  And if you’re interested, we actually talk about this list on our podcast. Got to and look for episode #88. Continue reading

Top 10 comedians

topcomediansEveryone loves to laugh! Who doesn’t? So this week we dive into the top 10 stand-up comedians list! We talk about who we like and were we would put them from 10 to 1!  Join us and have a chuckle as we why we put some of the funniest people that stand in front of crowds and tell us like it is! Continue reading

Disney and Co. compile the Top Ten possible next Young Han Solo list

Disney, Lucasfilm, and directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller are still on the hunt for an actor to play young Han Solo in the upcoming Star Wars spin-off film. As you might expect, finding someone to fill Harrison Ford’s shoes has been a huge challenge. After narrowing the search from 2,500 actors down to about ten, THR reports that “a final shortlist has quietly emerged” for the coveted role. Continue reading