Some possible new details have surfaced regarding Marvel’s deal with Sony Pictures regarding Spider-Man. The news comes from CBM, and it both contradicts and confirms some of what we’ve heard so far. They say the information comes from additional leaked e-mails that they’ve seen, but they offer no direct quotes from them.
One of the most interesting things about the information is that it doesn’t sound like Sony and Marvel are trying to make a deal. It sounds more like they are collaborating on how to bring Spider-Man into the Marvel cinematic universe.
In regards to Spidey’s appearance in Captain America: Civil War, which is said to be dead at this point, the report explains that Sony will co-finance 25% of the movie. In return, Marvel will co-finance 25% of Spider-Man’s next solo film, which is scheduled to be released in July 2017. The deal also “allows Sony to use TWO major Marvel characters and continue the plot from Civil War in regards to how it relates to Spider-Man. Spider-Man would also appear in Avengers: Infinity War – Part 1 in 2018, with another Marvel produced Spider-Man movie following in July 2019.”
It would be pretty cool of Marvel to allow Sony to use two of their characters in return. That seems like a good thing worth taking advantage of. The site explains that the way the next set of details are worded in the document sounds like it’s much more like “a collaboration rather than one studio having more control than the other.”
“Sony asked for approval over the costume, script (but only the parts specifically involving Spider-Man), and casting, with said actor required to sign a three-picture deal or more… They do however point out that Kevin Feige must serve as a producer, and if for some reason he leaves Marvel, they would be allowed to select his replacement. They also want Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach to be given executive producer credits, and state that it would be pre-agreed that Drew Goddard both writes and directs the first movie.”
We previously heard that Feige didn’t want Arad in involved with the project. I do like that Drew Goddard (Cabin in the Woods) could be writing and directing the project. He’s currently developing Sinister Six for the studio. It’d be great to have him collaborate with Joe and Anthony Russo, who offered to help with the development of a new Spider-Man trilogy.
The report goes on to talk about some business details. Apparently, if Marvel were to miss any of their release dates for any movies that include Spider-Man, Sony would be paid damages of $100 million, and the deal would be terminated. They also claim that Sony has three years and nine months to start pre-production on another Spider-Man film before the rights revert completely back to Marvel, but if the character were to appear in Captain America: Civil War, the clock would be reset. Sony also asked for Marvel’s help in “ensuring that the ‘D Machine’ would have to be accessible for Spider-Man’s solo movies in regards to their TV channels, radio networks, theme parks, and more.” Then, if the deal was to go through, they would make a joint announcement at a press event on a mutually agreed time. The site then says,
“We’ve also seen documents which indicate that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 earned only $65 million BEFORE overheads, and that they expect earnings to significantly increase after making the deal with Marvel. These are internal documents, and it’s not clear how much would change as the deal is discussed. However, this appears to have been put together following discussions rather than as a proposal. We have of course heard that talks broke down, but nothing specific in regards to why, and various outlets have since reported that this is going to happen.”
this is just a rumor but it would be impressive if it can be done. what do you think?