IndieWire has some breaking news. The fine folks of Amblin Television and Warner Bros. Animation are planning to reboot the 1990s cartoon classic, “Animaniacs.” And even the original Executive Producer, Steven Spielberg, whose name was a part of the official title, is also reported to be involved in this new project! Continue reading
Monthly Archives: May 2017
Mark Hamill Completely Disagreed with Rian Johnson’s Take on Luke Skywalker in THE LAST JEDI
This week marks Star Wars 40th Anniversary and Vanity Fair has given us an inside look at the upcoming The Force Awakens sequel, The Last Jedi. And for most fans of Star Wars this sequel is very important because, for the first time since Return of the Jedi, we will have LOTS of Luke Skywalker (if you don’t count the seconds he appears in The Force Awakens.) Many fans have a certain expectation of what Luke may be like in his later years. They are of course basing it on what they have seen him do in the previous films. Certainly Luke himself, Mark Hamill is one of those ‘fans.’ In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Hamill recalls the first time he read through The Last Jedi script:
Arnold Schwarzenegger Confirms “I’ll Be Back” in the Next TERMINATOR Movie
Good news for Terminator fans, Arnold Schwarzenegger says he will once again play the cybernetic killing machine. In a recent interview with Screen Daily, Schwarzenegger confirmed that he will star in a new Terminator film produced by James Cameron.
“It is moving forward. He [Cameron] has some good ideas of how to continue with the franchise,” the actor added, “I will be in the movie.”
This is exciting news because Cameron has not been involved in any Terminator films since Terminator 2: Judgement Day and we all know everything after T2 was somewhat disappointing. It’s going to be interesting to see how this develops because Cameron is slightly busy working on the next four Avatar sequel films. It was previously revealed that Deadpool director Tim Miller would be working with Cameron on developing the new film.
What do you think about Cameron and Schwarzenegger teaming up once again? Is late better than never?
Joss Whedon Replaces Zack Snyder On ‘Justice League’ After Family Tragedy
Zack Snyder is stepping down from his directorial duties on “Justice League” in the wake of a family tragedy.
During an interview on the Warner Bros. lot where a rough cut of the film was screened, Snyder revealed that his 20-year-old daughter, Autumn Snyder, died by suicide in March. He is taking time off to take care of his family and deal with her death, while “Avengers” director Joss Whedon will help bring the film across the finish line.
Snyder had already completed the majority of filming on the highly anticipated DC superhero tentpole, which is still slated to be released on Nov. 17, but will hand the reins over to Whedon for shooting additional scenes and post-production.
“In my mind, I thought it was a cathartic thing to go back to work, to just bury myself and see if that was the way through it,” Snyder told The Hollywood Reporter in an emotional interview with his wife and “Justice League” producer Deborah Snyder.
James Bond Star, Roger Moore Dies at 89
Roger Moore, the handsome English actor who appeared in seven films as James Bond — the most of any Bond actor — and as Simon Templar on “The Saint” TV series, has died in Switzerland after a short battle with cancer. He was 89.

Super Producer and writer Greg Berlanti is adding a fifth superhero TV series to the CW next season. The network, which already has Arrow, The Flash, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, and Supergirl, has ordered a new series based on another DC property, Black Lightning. Entertainment Weekly describes the show:
“Jefferson Pierce made his choice: he hung up the suit and his secret identity years ago, but with one daughter hell-bent on justice and the other a star student being recruited by a local gang, he’ll be pulled back into the fight as the wanted vigilante and DC legend Black Lightning.”
Black Lightning is one of DC’s first major African-American superheroes; he was created by Tony Isabella with Trevor Von Eeden in 1977.
One thing is for certain, despite DC’s recent trend in more than disappointing features, you have to say their television game has been pretty strong. It really is something unique and special when one network has so many properties in one place.
What do you think about the addition of Black Lightning to the CW family?
Before it gets a new host in Mary Jane, review the symbiote selections!
On June 14, the Venom symbiote gets a brand new, untarnished host in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: RENEW YOUR VOWS #8 written by Gerry Conway with art by Ryan Stegman. That’s right, responsible mom, loving wife, and trend setting fashion blogger and boutique owner Mary Jane Watson-Parker tackles a new challenge: showing that alien space suit who’s boss.
To see just where the bar is set let’s take a look back on past hosts…
First Marvel’s Inhumans Photo Reveals the Royal Family
Marvel Entertainment and ABC have officially released the first Marvel’s Inhumans photo at EW, and you can check it out in the gallery below! In addition, executive producer Scott Buck revealed some details, including: When the story begins, Attilan (the home of the Inhumans) will not actually be on Earth; Ellen Woglom’s character is a new one and not from the comics; and lead character Black Bolt will primarily communicate in sign language in the series.
“Black Bolt is a very difficult character I would think for Anson, but for any actor to play,” Buck tells the outlet. “But Anson is tackling it in a hugely fantastic way. It’s a little bit difficult to write him, because Black Bolt does not speak, but yet he is our hero and he is the center of the show, so it does certainly present challenges in how you tell his story, but fortunately we came up with a really good story. Anson is terrific. I think everyone’s going to be very pleased and excited by his Black Bolt. We’re not doing voice over. If you read the comics, you see Black Bolt does find a way to communicate to people, but he’s also a very enigmatic character as well, and he keeps a lot inside. That’s part of what’s so fascinating about him is that a lot of times, we don’t know what he’s thinking.
Lucasfilm Started Over on STAR WARS EPISODE IX After Carrie Fisher’s Death
The passing of Carrie Fisher was something no one expected, but when we lost our princess, it was quite clear that Lucasfilm would have to make some major adjustments. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy said after they mourned Fisher’s passing, the story team and filmmakers scrambled to come up with a plan to handle Fisher’s absence in Episode IX:
“Obviously, with Carrie having passed away, it shook everybody,” Kennedy says. As they tried to figure out what this meant for Leia’s continuing story, the only option was to leave their original ideas behind. “We pretty much started over,”
Fisher had finished all her scenes on The Last Jedi before her untimely death, and Disney Chairman and CEO Bob Iger has since said that the movie will not be changed to deal with her passing. The Last Jedi will end as it was originally planned. also confirmed that Lucasfilm will not digitally recreate Leia in any way. Kennedy also recently told Good Morning America: “Sadly, Carrie will not be in nine,” Kennedy said. “But we will see a lot of Carrie in eight.”
It seems pretty safe to assume that The Last Jedi will be Princess or General Leia Organa’s final appearance in the Star Wars cinematic saga. I wonder if Lucasfilm will ever let us know what they were hoping Leia’s role in Episode IX would be. Or maybe we’ll eventually get a Star Wars story standalone about a young Princess Leia, only time will tell. What do you guys think?
Neill Blomkamp’s Alien 5 is Dead, Says Ridley Scott
In late 2015, it was revealed that 20th Century Fox‘s plans for Neill Blomkamp‘s proposed Alien 5 were in a holding pattern pending the release of Ridley Scott’s prequel Alien: Covenant. Now that we’re weeks away from Covenant‘s May 19 bow in theaters, Scott has been asked by Allocine about Blomkamp’s fivequel and he suggests it’s no longer an active project at all.
“There was never a script,” Scott stated bluntly. “It was an idea that evolved from, I believe, a 10-page pitch, and I was meant to be part of the producers on that. It didn’t evolve. Fox decided that they didn’t want to do it and that was it. I’d already done ‘Prometheus’ and I was planning ‘Covenant’ so I dunno.”
When pressed to say if he thinks the sequel would ever happen, Scott said, “I don’t think so, no.”