It looks like The Walking Dead isn’t the only AMC property that is getting the movie treatment. According to the Albuquerque Journal, Breaking Bad is also getting a movie!
This might be a hard pill to swallow, but this might actually be happening as the information comes from the New Mexico Film Office.
The report goes on to say the the project is being developed under the name “Greenbrier,” and the story is said to centers around a kidnapped man making an escape.
It’s also said that this will be the first project for Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan since signing a three year deal with Sony Pictures Television back in July. According to THR he will write and possibly direct.
New Mexico State Film Office Director Nick Maniatis had this to say in a statement:
“We are happy to welcome ‘Greenbrier’ and Sony Studios to New Mexico. For years we’ve built up the film industry in New Mexico and strengthened our film incentives, now we’re seeing success after success for the film industry in our state.”
I hope that this is really a Breaking Bad film project. I was such a huge fan the series and it would be great to see the characters return for a new story. Cranston, however, previously said that he thinks it would be best to leave it alone:
“We’re very proud of our show and Better Call Saul. In some ways, it’s best to leave it alone – that you want to think back on it favorably. I don’t want to mess with it. It was the perfect opportunity that changed all of our lives. It changed many lives on our show.”
Of course, Vince Gilligan has been open to revisiting other Breaking Bad characters in the future for potential spinoffs saying that “anything’s possible.”
What are your thoughts on AMC possibly developing a Breaking Bad movie? Do you want to see it happen? What kind of story would you like to see with the logline that was given.