X-Men: Apocalypse Originally Had Wolverine in A Bigger Role. Then They Wanted To Keep Their PG-13 Rating.

X-Men: Apocalypse Had Wolverine in A Bigger Role, Then It Changed

In the months leading up to the release of this weekend’s X-Men: Apocalypse, many were wondering whether or not Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine would appear in the movie. This iconic character has appeared in every X-Men movie to date, and while he was never confirmed as part of the cast, Hugh Jackman and director Bryan Singer’s cryptic conversation at Comic Con lead most fans to believe that Wolverine would be a part of X-Men: Apocalypse. Now that X-Men: Apocalypse is playing nationwide, new details have surfaced, revealing that Wolverine almost had a much bigger role in this story. Continue reading

Professor X to Appear in NEW MUTANTS, Which Starts Filming in 2017

Here’s a small update about the future of the X-Men movie franchise. During the press junket for X-Men: Apocalypse, writer/producer Simon Kinberg told Collider that a familiar name is going to show up in Josh Boone’s New Mutants movie:

“Right now, as the movie exists, Professor X would be a part of a New Mutants movie.”

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X-23 Rumored to be in Wolverine 3!

It looks like there’s a chance that another fan-favorite X-Men character will be joining Logan (Hugh Jackman) and Professor X (Patrick Stewart) on their adventure in Wolverine 3. Continue reading

Top 10 Mutants!

TOP10top_10_mutants In the Mutant Universe, there is a clearly defined scale accounting for the power level of the various superheroes, villains, robots, mutants and aliens that bum around, because of course there is. We geeks need something tangible to hang our terrible arguments about “who would win in a fight” on, which is exactly what this scale does. At the lower end of the spectrum you have the everyday shmoes – the comic book equivalent of us civilians – and at the very top of the scale is where you’ll find the so-called “Omega level” superpeople.

They are characters who were born with the X-gene and have had an almost limitless amount of power at their fingertips as soon as they left the womb (or even before, in some cases). So with that said lets start off our list!  See if any of our top 10 hit your list! Continue reading

Patrick Stewart Confirms Role in Wolverine 3

Patrick Stewart Confirms Role in Wolverine 3

Earlier this year, Patrick Stewart revealed that there had been talks of teaming him up with Hugh Jackman for the upcoming third Wolverine film, calling it a “very different” type of movie from the other “X-Men” films he has been a part of. Now, speaking with Collider, Stewart confirms that this is the route the film is taking and that he’s not just appearing in the film. Continue reading

James McAvoy Sporting Professor X’s Signature Look For X-Men: Apocalypse

In the X-Men universe, Professor Charles Xavier has, let’s just call it a signature look, and that look is bald. Like cue ball bald. That’s how he appears in the comics and, as portrayed by Patrick Stewart, in the early X-Men films (as well as for a while in last year’s X-Men: Days of Future Past). Up to now, however, every time James McAvoy has played the part, he’s done so with a head full of luxurious brown hair. That’s changing in the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse, and with production getting under way, we’ve got a sneak peek of what he looks like sans hair follicles. Continue reading

Wolverine 3 Could Team Up Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart


2016 will be a big year for 20th Century Fox’s “X-Men” franchise as they have three films slated for release with Deadpool, X-Men: Apocalypse and Gambit, but lest we forget there is a third “Wolverine” film also in the cards. Not only is Hugh Jackman looking to reprise the role of Weapon X, but Patrick Stewart could be coming along for the ride. Continue reading

No Patrick Stewart or Ian McKellen for X-Men: Apocalypse

Patrick Stewart X-Men

It’s not exactly a surprise given what we know so far about Bryan Singer’s upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse, but Patrick Stewart confirmed today that neither he nor Ian McKellen would be reprising their respective roles as Charles Xavier or Erik Lehnsherr in the forthcoming mutant ensemble.

“I was learning quite a lot more about it last night,” Stewart tells Larry King (via Yahoo! Movies), hinting that he’s still maintaining a close connection to the franchise. “It is going to be looking very much at the earlier lives of all our characters. And so I don’t think we’ll be making an appearance.”

Confirmed to star James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac and Nicholas Hoult (with more names expected to be confirmed shortly), X-Men: Apocalypse is scripted by Simon Kinberg, Mike Dougherty and Dan Harris. Said to be the conclusion of a trilogy started with X-Men: First Class and continued with X-Men: Days of Future Past, cameras will start rolling on the next adventure in Montreal beginning April, 2015 for a May 27, 2016 release.

It was also recently reported that the new film is looking to cast younger versions of Jean Grey (Phoenix), Scott Summers (Cyclops) and Ororo Monroe (Storm).

I know  i would love to see the old cast again!  they made a great addition to the last film! what are your thoughts