Marvel Reveals Big Secret Behind Captain America Hydra Twist

Marvel Reveals Big Secret Behind Captain America Hydra Twist

Marvel Comics fans lost their collective minds when they read (or read about) “Captain America: Steve Rogers” #1, where it was revealed that Captain America was an agent of Hydra. Not only was it revealed that Steve Rogers has been working with Hydra, but according to the comic, he had been recruited to be an agent of the evil organization back in the 20s. The internet went absolutely crazy over the news, but now everyone can finally calm down. Or possibly get upset for a completely different reason.

Be warned, there are huge spoilers ahead in this article for “Captain America: Steve Rogers” #2, so if you haven’t read it and want to be surprised, come back and read this afterwards. Continue reading

14 Things You Need To Know About Flashpoint (and The Flash Season 3)

“The Flash” season two wrapped up with an epic finale – and one of Barry Allen’s worst decisions yet. The scarlet speedster headed back in time to the night his mother was killed (again), but this time, he saved her life. It’s a huge decision that undid pretty much everything Barry has done over the past two seasons – coming to terms with his mother’s death, discovering how time travel can affect the present, and making an earlier decision not to save her, in order to become the Flash.

As well as being a game-changer, the finale had fans everywhere talking about what Season Three would bring – namely, Flashpoint! While it’s possible that the show will Continue reading

New Details on Darth Vader’s Appearance in STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE

We’ve been hearing bits and pieces about Darth Vader’s appearance in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story for quite some time. One big piece of news previously described his involvement as “brutal.” Today we have a new bit of information about the villain to share with you that Star Wars fan will find interesting. Continue reading

Comparing for the final Scene From ‘The Walking Dead’ Season Six and the Comic Book!

After years and years of waiting for fans of “The Walking Dead” comics, the Season 6 finale finally brought that iconic Issue 100 to life in what has easily become one of the most harrowing scenes on TV ever.

There will be Spoilers after the break….

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The Official STAR WARS Explanation for Kylo Ren’s Ash Table is Pretty Dark

The Official STAR WARS Explanation for Kylo Ren’s Ash Table is Pretty Dark
Ever since we first saw Darth Vader’s mask in Kylo Ren‘s hands in that trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, there has been an inkling: is the new Dark Side wielder basically a huge nerd? He built his own lightsaber, he’s basically cosplaying a Sith (unlike grandpa, he doesn’t actually need that mask), and he owns perhaps the best piece of war memorabilia in his corner of the galaxy.

On the day The Force Awakens was released on Blu-ray, J.J. Abrams has revealed to EW that he’s even more of a collector than you realized. Continue reading

‘Batman v Superman’ Ending Explained by Director. Now Only if He Could Explain Beginning And Middle.

‘Batman v Superman’ Surprise Ending Explained by Director

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has become a lesser hit than most box office pundits imagined, only taking in $166.0 million domestically and $420.0 million globally. It was still the biggest worldwide debut for any movie released in March. Now that fans have had a chance to see this superhero adventure, Entertainment Weekly posted a new interview where Zack Snyder discusses the ending of this movie. Be warned, there will be plenty of SPOILERS below, so if you haven’t seen Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, read on at your own risk. Continue reading

Frank Grillo Discusses Crossbones and CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR

One of the Marvel villains coming back for Captain America: Civil War is Frank Grillo’s Brock Rumlow a.k.a. Crossbones. The Winter Soldier basically set up his character to be Crossbones in the upcoming movie. The last time we saw him, he was burnt to a crisp, and you could tell in his eyes that he wanted revenge. Well, that’s exactly what he’s coming for in the next film. Continue reading

Rumor: Big Spoilers for Marvel’s CIVIL WAR & INFINITY WAR, and Spider-Man Deal is Done


Thanks to our friends at Latino Review, we have some potentially mind-blowing details for what we will see happen in Captain America: Civil WarAvengers: Infinity War, and more. The details also include the inclusion of Spider-Man. The deal between Marvel and Sony has reportedly gone through.

I will tell you right off the bat that there are some major SPOILERS ahead. Latino Review is always pretty spot on with the intel they get, but until there’s confirmation, we will still treat it as a rumor. Continue reading