Details on How the Original Ending of STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE Played Out Have Been Revealed

It’s long been known that the original ending for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was completely scraped for the ending that we ended up seeing in the film. In the alternate ending the plan was for Jyn and Cassian to live to fight another day.

In an interview with EW, co-writer Gary Whitta talked about coming up with the ending, saying: Continue reading

Star Wars: Rogue One Not in Trouble Just Because Disney Demands Extensive Reshoots

Star Wars: Rogue One in Trouble, Disney Demands Extensive Reshoots?

Reports are coming out of the LucasFilm camp that director Gareth Edwards’ spinoff Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is “less than extraordinary.” Now, extensive and very expensive reshoots are demanded, and will take place throughout the summer.  Continue reading

New Details on Darth Vader’s Rumored Appearance in STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE

Last summer a rumor spread like wildfire online that Darth Vader would be in director Gareth Edwards’ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. This is a believable rumor because he plays a major role in the development of the Death Star, and the movie is about a band of resistance fighters embark on a mission to steal the plans for the weapon of mass destruction. When the rumor first hit, these were the details that came along with it:

[Vader] will not be the main antagonist but he will be working behind the scenes, pulling strings and will appear onscreen. Literally, I’m told – he’ll be showing up via viewscreen or holo projection or something. Will our heroes actually run into the Dark Lord of the Sith in person? My source wouldn’t say. My source was also mum about Grand Moff Tarkin, who was of course the commander of the fully operational Death Star.

We now have some additional details on this character and how he will factor into the film, thanks to Making Star Wars. Continue reading

Is Felicity Jones Playing Boba Fett’s Daughter in STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE?


An interesting rumor has surfaced regarding Felicity Jones’ role in Gareth Edwards’ Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One. Apparently, she might be playing the daughter of Boba Fett. The news came from El Mayimbe from Heroic Hollywood during an interview with Meet The Movie Press. Continue reading

STAR WARS: EPISODE VIII Opens in May 2017, First Standalone Film Titled ROGUE ONE

Disney CEO Bob Iger spoke with investors on a call this morning, and he’s revealed some information regarding the future of the Star Wars franchise. has the news. Continue reading

Chris Weitz on stand alone Star Wars film

There are very few secrets in this world of spoilers and hype. One of the few secrets still out there is what the first Star Wars standalone movie is going to be about.  Recently, /Film caught up with screenwriter Chris Weitz at the premiere of Cinderella and asked him a few questions about his current writing project, the Star Wars spinoff film being directed by Gareth Edwards (Godzilla). Continue reading

Rumor Update: Han Solo and Boba Fett Spin-off films

Its been  reported more than a few times that Han Solo and Boba Fett are each getting their own Star Wars spin-off films. Latino-Review has heard from their sources that “both these characters are in the same movie.” What?!

This would connect a few dots on the Gareth Edwards directed spin-off that is rumored to be about bounty hunters stealing the Death Star plans. Fett was long rumored to be in the film and wrapping Solo into the fold just further establishes their backstory/history. Hypothetically, this would mean that the Rebel Alliance might have paid the Hutts as intermediaries. These compounded interconnections are likely what future Star Wars spin-off films will be about.