New Animated Marvel’s Spider-Man coming to Disney XD
A new original animated television series, “Marvel’s Spider-Man”, will debut on Disney XD in 2017. The announcement was made today by Cort Lane, senior vice president, Marvel Animation and Family Entertainment, at New York Comic Con. Produced by Marvel Television, the series tells the story of an unsure but courageous teen who has to figure out how to be a super hero from the very beginning. Continue reading
Tag Archives: disney xd
BIG HERO 6 Is Continuing as a TV Series on Disney XD
For those hoping that Walt Disney Animation Studios would produce a sequel for Big Hero 6 (Big Hero 7?), the studio that has announced that it will be continuing the story of the Academy Award winning film in a TV series that will be coming to Disney XD. The show is currently in production and it is set to debut sometime in 2017. Continue reading
Disney XD To Reboot ‘Ducktales’ Animated Series For 2017 Launch
“DuckTales’ has a special place in Disney’s TV animation history, it drew its inspiration from Disney Legend, Carl Barks’ comic books, and through its storytelling and artistic showmanship, set an enduring standard for animated entertainment that connects with both kids and adults,” said Marc Buhaj, SVP, Programming and General Manager, Disney XD. “Our new series will bring that same energy and adventurous spirit to a new generation.”