New Animated Marvel’s Spider-Man coming to Disney XD
A new original animated television series, “Marvel’s Spider-Man”, will debut on Disney XD in 2017. The announcement was made today by Cort Lane, senior vice president, Marvel Animation and Family Entertainment, at New York Comic Con. Produced by Marvel Television, the series tells the story of an unsure but courageous teen who has to figure out how to be a super hero from the very beginning. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Along Came a Spider
Anton Yelchin, Dead at 27
Actor Anton Yelchin has passed away today at age 27, TMZ reports.
2016 has been a rough year when it comes to celebrity deaths, but the loss of Anton Yelchin has a particular sting due to the actor’s young age and his impressive body of work, ranging from credits like Jodie Foster’s The Beaver to Jim Jarmusch’s Only Lovers Left Alive to the Star Trek franchise. According to this morning’s report, Anton Yelchin was killed in a freak accident outside his home that caused his body to be pinned between his car and a brick mailbox pillar, which was attached to a security gate. Continue reading