Coming to Your Galaxy This Spring: New Action Figures from Hasbro

Star Wars Hasbro

it’s time to celebrate this incredible franchise. Start the party with Hasbro’s brand-new Star Wars Digital Collection 3 3/4-Inch Action Figures Case!

The case spans all six movies, with each movie getting its own set. There are 4 individually wrapped 3 3/4-inch figures in each box including:
» 1x SW 3.75 Inch EpI Phantom Menace
» 1x SW 3.75 Inch EpII Attack of the Clones
» 1x SW 3.75 Inch EpIII Revenge of the Sith
» 1x SW 3.75 Inch EPIV A New Hope
» 1x SW 3.75 Inch EpV Empire Strikes Back
» 1x SW 3.75 Inch EpVI Return of the Jedi

If you love these films, you’ll love the figures of Padme, Darth Maul, Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Emperor Palpatine, Yoda, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, Boba Fett, Wicket, and more! Princess Leia is noticeably missing. Continue reading

Hayden Christensen May Be Reprising His Iconic Role In Star Wars Episode VIII

While Star Wars fans are sweating the arrival of the highly anticipated film Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, the second movie in the new trilogy is already beginning to take shape. While next to nothing is actually known about the eighth episode a very interesting bit of information has surfaced which could mean the return of an icon.

Rumors about the appearance of Darth Vader in Gareth Edwards’ Star Wars: Rouge One have been circulating for quite some time, but now there’s some even bigger news. Hayden Christensen might just be returning to reprise his role as the Sith lord in the yet unnamed Star Wars: Episode VIII. Continue reading