Hayden Christensen May Be Reprising His Iconic Role In Star Wars Episode VIII

While Star Wars fans are sweating the arrival of the highly anticipated film Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, the second movie in the new trilogy is already beginning to take shape. While next to nothing is actually known about the eighth episode a very interesting bit of information has surfaced which could mean the return of an icon.

Rumors about the appearance of Darth Vader in Gareth Edwards’ Star Wars: Rouge One have been circulating for quite some time, but now there’s some even bigger news. Hayden Christensen might just be returning to reprise his role as the Sith lord in the yet unnamed Star Wars: Episode VIII.

Although not all fans and critics were entirely taken by Christensen’s performance in the arguably infamous Star Wars prequels, it’s hard to imagine anyone else taking up the helm as Anakin Skywalker, especially considering how much of the original cast will be returning to set.

As of yet it is unknown how Anakin will return if he appears in the next installment of the franchise. Obviously he could be featured in a few flashbacks and memories to help add some backstory, but there’s also the awesome chance that he could come back as a force ghost again to possibly guide the new generation of heroes in their battle against the dark side.One question everyone has is whether or not he’ll appear in his suit. Rumor has it that a fully functional pieces of DarthVader’s suit, including a chest piece and helmet, have surfaced. We did get to see Christensen in full Sith lord garb during Revenge of the Sith, so it’s entirely possible that he’ll don the iconic helmet again.

There has also been word that a team has already been hired to begin training Christensen for the role, so odds are good that we haven’t seen the last of Lord Vader.

What are your feelings of Christensen returning? Did you like him in his role? Would you like to see more of him in this franchise? We want to know! Comment below!