Cyborg Will Be Mostly CGI in JUSTICE LEAGUE

Out of all of the Justice League character cameos in Batman v Superman, the one involving Cyborg was definitely the most entertaining. We got a little glimpse of what Ray Fisher will look like as Cyborg. At a recent press event for Justice League, it was revealed that Cyborg’s appearance will mostly be CGI. Continue reading

Details on The Flash’s 148 Piece JUSTICE LEAGUE Costume

We’ve got some more information on Zack Snyder’s Justice League film to share with you regarding new intel on The Flash costume that Ezra Miller will wear. We got our first glimpse of The Flash in Batman v Superman and we even got a small glimpse of the costume in a set photo that was released.

In almost every on-screen incarnation of the suit that we’ve seen it’s been a one-piece costume, but they are taking things to a new level in Justice League. Continue reading

Cool New Details For Batman’s Two New Suits in JUSTICE LEAGUE

The Justice League movie news continues to roll in, and we have some cool new details regarding the costumes and looks on Ben Affleck’s Batman.

Batman will have two different suits in the film. One of them is called the “Classic Batsuit” which will be worn throughout most of film. It’s basically the same suit Batman wore in the previous film, but this one has been tweaked and improved. Continue reading