Details on The Flash’s 148 Piece JUSTICE LEAGUE Costume

We’ve got some more information on Zack Snyder’s Justice League film to share with you regarding new intel on The Flash costume that Ezra Miller will wear. We got our first glimpse of The Flash in Batman v Superman and we even got a small glimpse of the costume in a set photo that was released.

In almost every on-screen incarnation of the suit that we’ve seen it’s been a one-piece costume, but they are taking things to a new level in Justice League. Barry Allen’s suit for the movie has 148 pieces! During an interview with, costume designer Michael Wilkinson explains:

“So the question was how many pieces go into a Flash costume. I believe the count is 148. So you can see in this diagram here – one of my favorite documents is how to put together your own Flash costume. And you can see here all of the notation, and all of the different parts. They all have numbers right and left and they all go together when these great costumers are assembling these costumes.”

He also went on to share the story behind the look of the costume they came up with, saying:

“Okay, so when Zack and I started talking about Flash, he loved the idea that because this is the first time we’re establishing this character in our cinematic universe, that’s it’s kind of like a prototype suit. He’s discovering his powers, he’s working out what his thing is, and he is testing things. Some things work, some things don’t work. Some things are in development. And so this suit is incredibly beaten up. This is a suit that’s being assembled. If you look this way, that is the full suit how it appears in the movie. It’s a prototype suit. It’s something that is designed to protect him when he moves incredibly fast through space. And so we studied aerodynamics and vehicle design. What moves through space the fastest? We have this sense of rigid pieces at the front that deflect towards the back….There’s a sense of a blade like in a plane wing here, and then venting back here. So it all feels very aerodynamic. He’s testing different materials. You can see smooth materials like tech materials. We figured he’s an incredibly smart, resourceful young man. He moves very fast, so perhaps he’s stolen 3D printers. I’m not saying anything. Maybe he’s nipped into NASA and stolen some of the materials that they’re developing there.”

It was also revealed that one of the suits spotted on the set of the film featured a WayneTech corporate logo, so it looks like Bruce Wayne is going to be helping out with the development of his costume, much in the same what that Tony Stark helped Spider-Man with his in Captain America: Civil War.

Hopefully, we actually get to see what this costume looks like at San Diego Comic-Con next month. Yesterday we posted some information regarding two suits that Batman will be sporting in the film in case you missed that.

Justice League is currently shooting and is set to be released on November 17th, 2017