The Netflix and Marvel series A.K.A. Jessica Jones just cast Rachael Taylor as Patricia “Trish” Walker. I’ve only seen her in Transformers and 666 Park Avenue, so I’m going to try to not prejudge this Australian actress too harshly as I haven’t seen her more acclaimed work. She will be suiting up as the hero Hellcat. I’m not familiar with the character at all and based on the lack of good art out there, I’m guessing she’s pretty obscure. From what I’ve gleaned, she has psionic abilities and can move objects via telekinesis. I’m fully expecting the yellow catsuit to be toned down or adapted into something far more practical.
So far, Taylor joins Krysten Ritter (Jessica Jones), David Tennant (Kilgrave), and Mike Colter (Luke Cage). Because this will potentially fit into the Marvel cineverse, we already have some high expectations for the quality and tone of the series.
A.K.A. Jessica Jones should hit Netflix this year.
This seems interesting. Let’s see how this plays out. What are your thoughts?