The Top Ten decades of the 20th Century


This list is courtesy of our sister blog.

Undoubtedly, the past century was the greatest 100 year stretch in human history. We went from the Industrial Age / Victorian Era, to the Modern Era, to the Atomic Era, to the Information Era. The scientific achievements are mind-blowing. We have made gigantic leaps in transportation, communications, media, astronomy, medicine, and electronics. Unfortunately, not all of this technological advancements have been used for peaceful endeavors. You can argue that the two World Wars were the impetus to many of modern discoveries, but it also the biggest reasons why the 20th century could also be considered one of the worst in human history. We also had countless minor wars (besides the 2 big ones), a Great Depression, one Holocaust (plus a few genocides), a flu pandemic, and worst of all – disco music. And all of the progress we made in civil rights, and Womens’ rights only goes to accentuate the fact that blacks and women were treated, to put it mildly, extremely poorly. Continue reading