The consensus is that even though Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman bombed, Ben Affleck received high marks in his portrayal of the Dark Knight. Fans are actually excited to see what he ends up doing with the solo film that he’s currently developing with Geoff Johns. Affleck reportedly has full creative control, which gives me hope that we’ll get an awesome new Batman film.
We’ve heard rumors that the movie could explore the tragic past of Jason Todd’s Robin taking cues from comic book story arcs such as “Death in the Family” and “Under the Hood”. None of this has been confirmed, but during an interview with CosmicBookNews, Affleck revealed that his movie will mostly tell an original story to keep fans guessing. He explained:
“I think what I would do, what I probably would do, is in some ways what Zack did with this movie, which is to borrow certain things from the great comic books, but create an original story around it because I wouldn’t want the fans to already know the story and be familiar, but I would borrow, steal, great things that have been done before in the comics.”
So even though it will be an original story, it could still easily use elements from the comic books story arcs that I mentioned above. Batman v Superman did the same thing and took stuff from comics such as The Death Of Superman and The Dark Knight Returns.
With a talented writer like Geoff Johns on your side, an original Batman story sounds exciting. The problem with Warner Bros and DC Films is that they mix-and-match incompatable comic book stories for their movie scripts. Even Christopher Nolan’s trilogy was guilty of this. Do you like the idea of an original story for Batman, or would you rather see a direct adaptation of one of the classic comic arcs?